ByggAi Philosophie

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One of the aims of the work instructions and information on work preparation here at ByggAi is to contribute to learning and knowledge development in the construction industry.

Explanation Model

Knowledge exists in people – we know that we know. Everything written and pictures etc is knowledge information and data that we as people can make use and own knowledge of.

The picture above shows the four principal methods of transferring knowledge. The important process in which individuals embrace documented knowledge (Internalization) is circled with red circle.

  1. At the bottom of the picture, Socialization is shown when people meet and exchange experiences in conversation and dialogue. This is a very good and important method which, however, has its limit when it comes to ensuring that everyone receives the same information.
  2. If we follow the arrows, we will see in the left edge of the picture Externalization, i.e. when we document what we know (our knowledge) on paper and store this in some way. Externalization gives rise to large amounts of data and information that we can store in documents, binders and computers.
  3. At the top of the picture we see how information is Combined. The collected information available is, for most people, so extensive that it needs to be degraded and presented in an easily accessible way for the user.
  4. In the right-hand side of the picture, circled information is seen that is so packaged and presented that it is possible to embrace – Internalize – and take advantage of knowledge at the individual level.

This is a simple description of what we want to achieve with ByggAi.

Have we succeeded? Are the work instructions made so that they are easily accessible and make it possible to create your own knowledge?

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